Monday, September 29, 2014

Dear Internet, You Lost My Credit Card Number But Somehow I Still Trust You. Is This A Healthy Relationship?

The Internet, as powerful of a tool as it is, has brought many negative effects in its wake. Yet despite all of the troubles that the Internet has given us, the Internet continues provides an unparalleled service to mankind, containing a ridiculously vast repository of information and globally connecting individuals in unprecedented ways. These types of effects are typical of useful tools: fire and knives are dangerous in the wrong hands, but mankind still keeps them around for their great utility. So it is with the Internet, but on a global scale; while a single knife can only cut one slab of meat or kill one person at a time, a single computer can provide amazing services to the entire world and simultaneously compromise the personal information of hundreds/thousands of people (as in the recent incident with Target's data breach). Nonetheless, the Internet is here to stay, so it is up to us as individuals to determine how to develop healthy and safe relationships with it.


  1. It is a little scary how powerful the internet can make a single person, but like you said, if we use it healthily and safely, it can be a wonderful and powerful tool.

  2. I was intrigued by the title because the internet really did lose my credit card number once...yet still I use it, even to make online purchases. I agree the internet demands an appreciation for what it is capable of (good and bad) and proper precautions as a result. Firearms instructors like to say that we must "respect" the power of a gun, to not take it lightly or carelessly while handling it. I think with the internet we must have the same mindset.

  3. Haha yeah. Trust it, like how you will trust your parents even though they lie to you the whole time while you growing up. It's sort of like a trade, they offer good service, you continuously use their service, even though they have some issue. Or just be wise, don't enter your credit card information online!!

  4. I live in the real world it is full of wonderful things for me to experience and at the same time criminals share this same world with me. Just like I lock my doors at home I should protect my online accounts with security such as a good password. Just as I would not use my credit card to buy form an disreputable business in real life; I have learned not to buy goods from disreputable sources online.
