Thursday, November 20, 2014

Milk Before Meat

The Internet is a giant, ever-expanding library of information. The fact that more and more people are getting easier and faster access to this information has proven to be incredibly beneficial. However, there comes a point where society has to consider how easy information should be to access. All true information should be available to everyone, but in everyone's individual quest for knowledge, there is an order to which that knowledge should be obtained. This isn't to say that everyone should have access to all information either; a reformed criminal doesn't need his past uncovered on a daily basis and a child doesn't need access to the plethora of pornography to learn of its potential negative influence. While such information is "true", access to this information should still be dependent on the need and readiness of the individual, and unless you believe in an ultimate authority like God, no one really has the authority to draw where such lines exist.

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